Set against the backdrop of the Irish War of Independence, and by turns tragic and comic, O’Casey’s The Shadow of a Gunman is the tale of an ambitious young woman who dreams of a life beyond her Dublin tenement with the mysterious neighbour downstairs.
Directed by Garry Hynes, The Shadow of a Gunman features Druid Ensemble members Rory Nolan and Marty Rea, alongside Gabriel Adewusi, Clare Barrett, Caitríona Ennis, Bosco Hogan, Sean Kearns, Robbie O’Connor and Catherine Walsh.
Dates/Times: 20th & 21st Feb 2024 @ 20:00 - 21:30 without interval.
Tickets: Full €31, Concession €28 +€1.50 Booking fee.
Suitability: 12yrs+. Please note that this production features depictions of violence and war, with gunshots and loud noises.